Revolutionizing Math Education through Active Play and Reduced Screen Time

Empowering Students and Teachers with Active, Screen-Healthy Math Learning to Foster Engagement and Confidence

Active learning
Math Engagement
Reduced Screen Time
Growth Mindset


of educators believe students spend too much time sitting during the school day.


of students agreed that Unruly Splats made learning fun


of students agreed that, “even if learning with splats is hard, they can learn it.”



In math education, significant challenges include low student engagement, often due to negative associations with the subject, and an overreliance on screen time, which can limit opportunities for hands-on, collaborative learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated learning loss and behavioral issues, particularly among students who already struggled with math. Additionally, teachers often lack the training, resources, and confidence needed to effectively implement innovative math programs, leading to inconsistent outcomes.

Equity issues in math education further compound these challenges, with significant gender, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities limiting access to quality math instruction and opportunities. Females and minority students, such as Black, Latinx, and Native American groups, are underrepresented in STEM fields due to systemic inequities, cultural biases, and lack of resources. Students from low-income families face additional barriers, including fewer qualified teachers and limited access to advanced courses. English Language Learners also struggle with math instruction due to language barriers.

Addressing these issues requires a more balanced, engaging approach to math instruction that supports teachers’ practices and ensures equitable access to resources. Unruly Math offers a solution by emphasizing kinesthetic learning, significantly reducing screen time, and building math confidence.


Elementary schools across the nation face numerous challenges in math education. Most schools face below-average performance, teachers lack preparedness and subject-matter expertise, and students battle math anxiety and negative perceptions. According to a recent survey, 44.3% of districts reported that their students are performing below the national average in math​. 

Many traditional math programs rely heavily on screens, with students spending significant portions of their day engaging in 1:1 screen time. "1:1 screen time" refers to students individually using screens to complete math activities, which often leads to reduced social interaction and physical activity. This approach, while sometimes effective, often limits opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and collaborative learning. Research shows that students are spending an average of over 7 hours a day on screens, with a significant portion of this time dedicated to educational activities, including math. However, this screen time can contribute to issues such as decreased attention span, increased fatigue, and a lack of engagement in the material. By focusing solely on digital interactions, these programs miss out on the benefits of kinesthetic and collaborative learning, which are crucial for fostering a deep understanding of math concepts and building long-term academic confidence.


Unruly Math addresses these challenges through a unique approach that combines active play with collaborative learning, significantly reducing screen time. The program features interactive, physically active math games that seamlessly integrate with existing curricula, and are standards-aligned. These games are designed to reinforce foundational math skills while promoting social interaction and teamwork, making math both fun and engaging for students. Unruly Math allows for: 

Kinesthetic Learning: Unruly Math leverages the power of movement to enhance learning. Research has shown that physical activity boosts focus and retention, making it an ideal method for teaching math. Young children learn math concepts more effectively when they are engaged in physical activities (Clements & Sarama, 2009), and integrating movement with math instruction can increase student engagement and understanding (Coughlin, 2010). Unruly Splats, the program’s interactive floor buttons, allow students to physically engage with math concepts through games like relay races and hopscotch​​.

Reduced Screen Time: Studies suggest that reducing screen time could positively impact areas crucial for learning, including mathematics (Hutton et al., 2019) and that reducing screen time and increasing physical activity could improve academic performance in elementary school children, including in subjects like math (Pagani et al., 2013).  Unruly Math promotes healthier learning habits by reducing reliance on screens.

A recent survey of school district leaders revealed that 91% of educators believe students spend too much time sitting during the school day, and 83% want more opportunities for social group learning in math classes​​. Unruly Math addresses this need by encouraging hands-on, active, and collaborative learning that goes beyond the screen​.

Building Math Confidence and Reducing Anxiety: Math anxiety is linked to lower math performance across all age groups. Additionally, interventions aimed at reducing math anxiety could lead to significant improvements in math achievement (Hembree, 1990). One of the key benefits of Unruly Math is its ability to reduce math anxiety and build confidence.

According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, 83.5% of students agreed that Unruly Splats made learning fun, and 68.8% felt that it improved their motivation to learn​​. Integrating math games and hands-on activities into instruction can help reduce anxiety and build confidence.

By making math more engaging and less intimidating, students are more likely to develop a positive attitude toward the subject (Burns, 1998). Unruly’s emphasis on play and collaboration helps students develop a positive association with math, which is crucial for long-term success.

Growth Mindset: Students who believe their abilities can be developed through effort and learning tend to have higher confidence and lower anxiety in math. Encouraging a growth mindset by praising effort rather than innate ability helps students view challenges as opportunities to learn rather than threats to their self-esteem (Dweck, 2006).

In a Clayton County Schools student survey, 72.3% of students agreed that, “even if learning with splats is hard, they can learn it.”

Unruly Math supports students in fostering a positive math mindset, building confidence through play, promoting resilience, and encouraging social connectivity and collaboration.


The impact of Unruly Math is evident in both qualitative and quantitative data. A 2024 survey of Clayton County Public School’s leaders highlights several key findings:

88% of educators agreed that Unruly Math improved student engagement compared to other math programs​.

Teachers observed that Unruly Splats fostered a fun and active learning environment, which was particularly effective for students with existing math difficulties​.

84% of teachers reported that Unruly Math helped reinforce math concepts and improved overall math outcomes​.


Survey data further supports the success of Unruly Math in classrooms. For example, a district leader survey revealed that 100% of respondents expressed concern about teachers' foundational knowledge of math concepts​. Unruly Math provides a solution by offering an easy-to-integrate tool that enhances teacher confidence and student understanding through interactive play.

Additionally, students overwhelmingly responded positively to Unruly Math, with 83% stating that Splats make learning fun

and 72% agreeing that they can learn challenging concepts through the program​​.


Unruly Math is not just another educational tool; it’s a revolution in how math is taught and learned. By focusing on kinesthetic learning, reducing screen time, and building math confidence, Unruly Math addresses the critical challenges in today’s elementary classrooms. For schools and districts looking to enhance math education and foster a positive math mindset, Unruly Math offers a proven, research-backed solution that is both effective and fun. Join the movement to revolutionize math education and help students develop the skills they need to succeed in math and beyond.

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